After my initial shock, I thought it must be simply that I was from Portland. Surely a good Twitter-active mayor would find the citizens of his fair city and follow them. It seems both neighborly and mayorly. Though I haven't figured out how to do it directly through Twitter itself, there must be some third-party app out there that will let you search by city to find interesting people to follow...
Anyway, I was still excited, and tweeted: I'm being followed by @MayorSamAdams!
The next day, I received a direct message: I love your ID wallets. Sam
So, I'm not just being followed by the mayor blindly... No, he followed me, looked at my shop, liked my stuff, and told me about it! I couldn't believe it! I've been accused of being a minor celebrity in Portland, and it seems as though there is a mere one degree of separation between everyone in this city - but Sam Adams?!? Minor celebrity indeed.