:061109: My captors have sent this to me before. I have tried to ignore its stupidity. Finally I got it again with some appended comments from my friend Mike, and it inspired me to add my own. To all you ignorant fools out there who think you've been done wrong, think harder before you open your mouth.
The appalling text of the original message is contained within the block quotes, and my comments are the others.
The appalling text of the original message is contained within the block quotes, and my comments are the others.
THE EMAIL: Body: Someone else besides me finally said it. how many are actually paying attention to this?
There are African Americans, Mexican Americans, Asian Americans, Arab Americans, Native Americans, etc. and then there are just Americans.
You pass me on the street and sneer in my direction. You call me "White boy," "Cracker," "Honkey," "Whitey," "Caveman" and that's OK.
Actually it's not. Didn't your mother ever tell you not to call people names? Just because nobody corrects you when you're being mean on purpose doesn't make it OK. Also, revenge isn't OK either, so if somebody calls you nasty names, retaliation will NOT make you the bigger person. Not even a little bit.
But when I call you, Nigger, Kike, Towelhead, Sand-nigger, camel Jockey, Beaner, Gook, or Chink you call me a racist.
Because you are. Not only is it not nice to call people names, but there are some words you just don't use. And not just hurtful words relating to race. I feel this way about disparaging comments about all groups of people, be it religion, socioeconomic status, disability, sexual orientation or any other aspect of diversity. Categorical hatred is not OK with me. Washing your mouth out with soap is just not enough. If you ever use these words around me, even if you think you're joking, I will not spend any more time around you willingly. Partly because you disgust me. Partly because there are hundreds of other people I could spend my time with that treat other people with respect. And partly because if I look at you too long after a comment like that, I might just have to kick you in the teeth.
You say that whites commit a lot of violence against you, so why are the ghettos the most dangerous places to live?
Really, does this need a response? Well, somebody wrote it, so apparently it does. Violence is not good - no argument there, but saying that white violence is OK because there's more violence other places is bullshit. I won't even go into why ghettos exist in the first place.
You have the United Negro College Fund. You have Martin Luther King Day. You have Black History Month. You have Cesar Chavez Day. You have Yom Hashoah You have Ma'uled Al-Nabi You have the NAACP. You have BET.
If we had WET (White Entertainment Television) we'd be racists. If we had a White Pride Day you would call us racists. If we had White History Month, we'd be racists. If we had any organization for only whites to "advance" our lives, we'd be racists.
What is this "you have" crap? I'm pretty sure I have Martin Luther King Day, too. Just because I personally am not black doesn't mean I can't celebrate the day, or recognize a great man, or acknowledge much needed progress in the world. Same for Black History Month. It's mine, too. There are many black historical figures who have had an impact on MY life, even though I'm not black, and if you think they haven't impacted your life at all, then you need to study more black history! I won't list all the special holidays that commemorate the accomplishments of a white guy... I'll leave that as an exercise for the reader. As for BET, do you actually care that one of the HUNDREDS of channels that exist is a special interest channel? Oh wait, there are only about 5 that are NOT special interest channels. I'm pretty sure that if you had your own cable channel that focused on white entertainment, nobody would really care.
We have a Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, a Black Chamber of Commerce, and then we just have the plain Chamber of Commerce. Wonder who pays for that?
Are you kidding me? I would say all of the tax payers pay for that. I'm pretty sure you have to pay taxes if you are Hispanic or Black. I'm also pretty sure Americans don't really like taxation without representation... so if something is being paid for by tax money, it's because somebody that YOU and your community voted for decided it was a good idea. If you don't like it, go vote for somebody else. Oh, you didn't vote at all? Then shut up.
If we had a college fund that only gave white students scholarships, you know we'd be racists. There are over 60 openly proclaimed Black Colleges in the US, yet if there were "White colleges" that would be a racist college.
They are actually "Historically" Black Colleges. Historically so because white people back in the day didn't want to go to school with black people. Remember segregation? If the idea of historically black colleges offends you, then you must also be offended by the idea that black people were allowed to get a college education so long ago. Nowadays you don't HAVE to be black to go to those schools, just like you don't HAVE to be white to go to "historically" white colleges. And there are plenty of college funds that give money only to white students, but they are specific categories of white students. Really. Do some research.
In the Million Man March, you believed that you were marching for your race and rights. If we marched for our race and rights, you would call us racists.
Excuse me... do white people have a hard time with their white rights? Do they have a hard time being heard as a group? Have you as a white person EVER felt like you weren't being heard because of your race, or your rights weren't being upheld because you were white? I didn't think so. If either of those things were true for a million white people in this country, It would not be unreasonable to have a march. Since it's not true, shut up.
You are proud to be black, brown, yellow and orange, and you're not afraid to announce it. But when we announce our white pride, you call us racists.
I defer to my friend Mike's comments: " 'white' is not an ethnic group. White people come from some of many European countries. So the next time you want to shout out your 'white pride,' know where you are from. there's nothing wrong with Irish Pride..."
You rob us, carjack us, and shoot at us. But, when a white police officer shoots a black gang member or beats up a black drug-dealer running from the law and posing a threat to society, you call him a racist.
Again, none of this is OK. If you do something wrong, take responsibility for it, both directions. If a white police officer beats up a black drug-dealer running from the law and posing a threat to society, but for a white drug dealer doing the same thing, he simply handcuffs him and puts him into the car, then that's racist. There is an orderly way criminals should be processed through the justice system, and it applies to everyone. It shouldn't matter what your crime is. Being arrested isn't supposed to hurt.
I am proud. But, you call me a racist. Why is it that only whites can be racists? There is nothing improper about this e-mail.
Whites aren't the only ones who can be racist, but fools like whoever wrote this e-mail originally sure make whites sound like racist assholes. As for being improper, as in "not in accord with propriety, modesty, good manners, or good taste; not marked by suitability, rightness, or appropriateness," I'm pretty sure that the e-mail is indeed improper, to put it mildly.
Let's see which of you are proud enough to forward it.
This last line certainly makes it easy to see which of my friends I continue to have respect for.
The rest of Mike's response is as follows:
It's not the fact that only whites are racist. All the things mentioned in the email are groups and societies based to embrace diversity, specifically in the United States. The reason it's racist to have a"White Entertainment Television" station or White scholarships is because "white" is not an ethnic group. White people come from some of many European countries. There are many European-based opportunities available. White Entertainment Television is ALL of TV; the "Big 4 networks" (ABC, CBS, NBC, FOX) are prodominantly white oriented.
White people founded this country, and were pretty racist about it. Stealing land from Native Americans and enslaving them, only to find out they die from your european disease. let's sail to Africa and take these people, it'll be ok, as long as we have slaves that aren't white.
As a Black man reading this, this email is disgusting and awfully racist. If someone sends you this, please don't buy into this. This is White America trying to instill racism into you.
So the next time you want to shout out your "white pride", know where you are from. there's nothing wrong with Irish Pride...
By the way, I'm not mad at white people, this email is just pitiful.
-M.J. Moore, Portland, OR
The rest of Mike's response is as follows:
It's not the fact that only whites are racist. All the things mentioned in the email are groups and societies based to embrace diversity, specifically in the United States. The reason it's racist to have a"White Entertainment Television" station or White scholarships is because "white" is not an ethnic group. White people come from some of many European countries. There are many European-based opportunities available. White Entertainment Television is ALL of TV; the "Big 4 networks" (ABC, CBS, NBC, FOX) are prodominantly white oriented.
White people founded this country, and were pretty racist about it. Stealing land from Native Americans and enslaving them, only to find out they die from your european disease. let's sail to Africa and take these people, it'll be ok, as long as we have slaves that aren't white.
As a Black man reading this, this email is disgusting and awfully racist. If someone sends you this, please don't buy into this. This is White America trying to instill racism into you.
So the next time you want to shout out your "white pride", know where you are from. there's nothing wrong with Irish Pride...
By the way, I'm not mad at white people, this email is just pitiful.
-M.J. Moore, Portland, OR